Pest control
The confidence to offer pest control services, a critical issue in every step of the supply chain, is based on our extensive knowledge of quality assurance, project risk management and hazard control.

Strengths of this service
Our global team of highly professional pest control technicians is dedicated to giving you the service laid out in our policy— to be a well-established, high-quality, independent and reliable pest control service provider.
We have extensive knowledge about quality assurance, project risk management and hazard control
Our IPM programs identify pest control solutions by recognizing and solving both potential and pest control issues at storage and production facilities
We offer realistic, preventive and curative solutions to achieve effective non-toxic pest control in every environment
Pest control
The confidence to offer pest control services, a critical issue in every step of the supply chain, is based on our extensive knowledge of quality assurance, project risk management and hazard control.
We believe that integrated pest management (IPM) should be the baseline approach for any company working with commodity supply chains, especially around food and feed safety.
As well as IPM, we offer specialized services designed for specific situations that may arise.
Risk control
Risk control measures are fundamental for modern, well-organized companies and can vary greatly per situation. We can design and implement prevention and early detection systems, while we can treat specific installations and commodities with heat and/or controlled atmosphere treatments and, more traditionally, PH3 – Phosphine. We are world leaders in live monitoring of all the abovementioned treatment techniques.

How can we help you?
Do you want specific information on our Commodity Inspection services? Or would you like to have a quotation? Do not hesitate to contact us or find your nearest local office.