
Iryna Toporash from Ukraine

Joined our company in 2000


Business unit: Laboratory Services Agmintest – Control Union Ukraine

Tell us a little about your background

I graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Food Industry, Faculty of Grain Storage and Processing. Since 1989, I have been working in the field of grain quality evaluation and conducting scientific research. I hold a PhD in Technical Sciences and have written over 50 scientific articles. At Control Union, I initially worked as a chemist and have been the Director since 2004. Under my direct involvement, the Agmintest laboratory received GAFTA, FOSFA, and ISO 17025 accreditations, increased its staff from 5 to 25 people, introduced the determination of many agricultural product parameters, including safety indicators, and expanded its occupied area fivefold.

What is your role at Control Union?

As the Director of the laboratory services in Ukraine, my role involves setting the strategic direction of the company, managing operational processes, and ensuring their efficiency. I am responsible for crafting and executing key initiatives, providing leadership to the team, and ensuring that our corporate goals are met, and regulatory requirements are adhered to. I focus particularly on strategic planning, developing business strategies, and ensuring high satisfaction levels among customers and partners.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

What I enjoy most about my role is that I can use my knowledge, skills, resources, and opportunities to implement ideas that become successful and influential in laboratory activities and business.

I also appreciate the opportunity to share my experience, which contributes to the positive development of many people, enterprises, the industry, and the country.

If you were to meet a group of 10-year-olds who are eager to learn about the work that you do, can you tell us what you will say to them?

It’s rather difficult, but I’ll try.

I’m excited to share with you what I do as the director of laboratory. My job is to make sure the food we eat is safe, tasty, and good for us. It’s like being a food detective!

Imagine you’re making a pizza. You want to make sure the dough, cheese, and toppings are all fresh and delicious, right? That’s what my team and I do, but on a bigger scale with all kinds of food, like fruits, vegetables, and snacks. We have special tools and tests to check if the food is clean, has the right nutrients, and doesn’t have anything that could make us sick.

We work hard to make sure that when you eat something, it’s yummy and healthy. If we find anything wrong, we help fix it so everyone can enjoy their meals safely.

Why did you join the company?

In 2000, I joined the company as a grain quality specialist with 11 years of experience and knowledge of English, which allowed me to understand and use international regulatory documentation – ISO and EN standards – in laboratory activities. I was happy to begin my career in an international company with an excellent long-term reputation, where my expertise and knowledge were greatly appreciated.

Can you share the opportunities you have had since becoming part of the company?

Since joining the company, I have had several opportunities that have contributed significantly to my professional growth.  I have been able to enhance my skills in quality control, particularly by introducing new types of activities in laboratory practices. I’ve taken on more challenging roles within the company, expanding my responsibilities and leadership capabilities. Additionally, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to the company’s success by applying my expertise to improve quality assurance processes and meet regulatory requirements effectively.

Overall, these opportunities have not only helped me grow professionally but also enabled me to make meaningful contributions to the organization’s goals and objectives.

Can you tell us about the current outlook of your company that you can share with us?

In recent years, the laboratory has invested significantly in equipment for determining safety parameters. This has enabled us to offer a comprehensive range of services to clients. We plan to continue developing in this direction, mastering the determination of contaminants in products.

We also plan to improve our training materials within the Control Union Academy. However, our activities are currently hindered by the ongoing military actions in Ukraine. Challenges include the risk of employee mobilization, blackouts, and complicated logistics for laboratory components. Overcoming these challenges requires significant effort.

What is your best advice to someone who wants to join our company?

My top advice for anyone looking to join our company is to prioritize continuous learning and adaptability. Show enthusiasm for contributing positively to our team, and demonstrate how your skills align with our company’s values and goals. Actively seek opportunities for professional growth while fostering strong relationships with your colleagues. This proactive mindset and dedication to excellence will significantly boost your success and fulfillment within our organization.

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