Clara Nuñez Vega – Paraguay
Clara Elizabeth Nuñez Vega from Paraguay
Joined our company in 2015
Laboratory Manager
Tell us a little about your background
I am a Clinical Biochemist with a master’s degree in Organic Chemistry and a specialization in University Didactics. My initial steps in the field of chemistry were in the medical and educational areas, where I developed a strong passion for organic chemistry. I have participated in research projects on this field, mainly focused in analytical laboratory work. Throughout my career, I have worked in laboratories, ensuring the quality of analyses and the accuracy of results. The focus on analytical quality assurance has been a constant in all my projects and jobs.
What is your role at Control Union?
My current position is Laboratory Manager. My main task is to ensure that all laboratory operations run efficiently and that the analysis results meet the quality standards expected by our clients.
In addition to supervising the daily activities of the laboratory, I am also in charge of researching and implementing new analysis methods to meet the evolving needs of our producers, exporters, and the industries in our country. This involves staying updated with technological and scientific advancements in the field of chemistry and ensuring our laboratory is equipped with the most modern and accurate techniques.
In summary, my position requires a combination of technical, managerial, and communication skills, with the goal of maintaining the highest levels of quality and accuracy in all our analytical services.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
What I find most rewarding in my job is achieving the goals we set for ourselves. Although sometimes the challenges or projects we are working on can be demanding, experiencing the satisfaction of seeing our efforts materialize into successful results is truly satisfying.
Each achievement, whether small or large, represents a breakthrough that reflects the commitment and dedication of the entire team. This sense of accomplishment and contribution makes every day at work meaningful and rewarding for me.

If you were to meet a group of 10-year-olds who are eager to learn about the work that you do, can you tell us what you will say to them?
We work like detectives on the food and products we use every day. When a product comes into our lab, like a mystery, we examine it to make sure it’s safe and healthy. We measure things like nutrients to make sure they have what we need to grow strong and healthy.
We also make sure they don’t have “bugs” that can make us sick. We can even detect viruses like coronavirus in our lab tests. Through our work, people can be confident that the products they use are safe and good for their health.
What’s the question you find people ask you most often in your role?
One of the most frequent questions I receive in my position concerns microbiology. People are very curious about pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, and other microorganisms that can affect food safety.
They often ask how they can avoid contaminating their products and what measures they can take to reduce the risk when consuming certain types of food. I explain the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices, proper handling, and storage of food.
Additionally, I talk to them about the advanced techniques we use in the laboratory to identify these microorganisms and ensure food safety. These interactions allow me to educate the community and help them understand how they can protect their health through simple preventive measures.

What has been the highlight of your time with the company so far?
The highlight since I started at Control Union Paraguay has been the impressive growth and development of the laboratory over the years. It is extremely satisfying to look back and see how far we have come since our early days. We have enabled new areas of work, which has allowed us to greatly expand the list of analyses we offer.
Would you have an example of a situation where you experienced (one of) these values when performing your role?
Customer orientation: This value is core to driving the laboratory’s growth. Recently, in response to increasing market demands and the specific needs of our customers, we developed new analytical services. A concrete example was when we received feedback from several customers on the need for more detailed and specialized analyses for certain products. Rather than simply maintaining our existing services, we worked closely with our teams to design and launch new analytical methods that met these specific market demands.
This approach not only demonstrated our ability to adapt quickly to our customers’ changing needs, but also strengthened our relationships by providing customized and effective solutions. This process not only enhanced our service portfolio, but also consolidated our clients’ trust and loyalty, positioning us as a leader in the analytical services market.
What is your best advice to someone who wants to join our company?
My best advice to someone who wants to join our company is to give their best effort in all their tasks. In our corporate culture, we value the commitment and dedication of our team. Achievements and exceptional performance are recognized and rewarded appropriately. In addition, it is important to maintain a proactive attitude, be willing to learn and collaborate as a member of a team. This will not only allow you to integrate quickly, but also to grow professionally within our organization. We are committed to providing a work environment where each individual can reach his or her full potential and contribute significantly to our collective success.

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