How certifications works
Certification is done to instill confidence and trust with any stakeholder that the object or organisation has certain characteristics or is capable of achieving a specified minimum quality. To ensure this, it is important that the assessment is done by an independent, impartial and objective third party, called a certification body.

Reasons to get certified
You may want to become certified, just because you want to demonstrate to the world that your products, processes, services or organisation is of a certain level. Or you may require certification to be able to get into a certain market or because your customers ask you to.
Kindly note that this document provides guidance only. It might not fully reflect specific processes for your organisation. For legal and financial processes, please consult the Terms of Contract available on our website.
Get started
The first step in a certification process consists of completing an application form for the applicable scheme as available on the Control Union Certifications website. If you are not sure you have the correct form or can not find the program you are looking for, you may also contact us and we will send the applicable application form to you.
Contact us now
Receive the correct application form
Application form
The information in the application form is the basis for us to provide you with an offer that relates to the correct scope of activities, products, processes and or units to be certified. From a legal perspective it is important that this offer reflects the rights and obligations that both parties have and therefore must give a realistic indication of the amount of time needed to perform an assessment that enables the certification body to reach a well-founded certification decision.
Please complete and submit the application form. It will be forwarded automatically to one of the Control Union branch offices.

How can we help you?
Are you looking for a certain service, do you have any questions or do you want to apply for the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.