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MSPO – Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil

The Malaysian Government announced in May 2017 the mandatory implementation of MSPO beginning 1st January 2020 where all oil palm plantation, organised smallholders and palm oil mills must be certified against the requirements of the MSPO standards. The current MSPO 2022 standards have improved and strengthened tremendously to be in line with global sustainability norms.

    What is MSPO?

    MSPO standard

    The first version of the MSPO standards (MS2530:2013) have undergone a multi stakeholders review process from 2019-2021, which culminated with the launching of the revised MSPO standards (MS2530:2022) in March 2022. The development of MSPO 2022 Standards took into consideration the changes in the global sustainability requirements and has considered its applicability to the Malaysian palm oil industry.

    Requirements such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) were considered and incorporated into the MSPO requirement.  This resulted in the inclusion of High Conservation Value (HCV) which addresses environmental and social aspects that should be conserved.  Besides that, a cut-off date of 31 December 2019 has been introduced to discourage conversion of natural forests, protected areas, and HCV areas to oil palm planting.

    The MSPO 2022 standards also highlights the ILO forced labour indicators and prohibits any forms of discrimination in the palm oil industry. Other social requirements that were strengthened is the prohibition of child labour, the introduction of decent living conditions and avoidance of triangular employment.


    The MSPO Standard (MS2530: 2022 Principles) consists of 8 (eight) parts with 5 (five) principles:

    • Principle 1: Management Commitment and Responsibility

    • Principle 2: Transparency

    • Principle 3: Compliance with legal and other requirements

    • Principle 4: Environment, natural resources biodiversity and ecosystem services

    • Principle 5: Responsibility to social, health, safety and employment conditions

    How to get certified

    Get in touch with us. Based on the information you provide, Control Union Certifications will send you an offer. The certification process can start as soon as you accept our offer. From that moment you also may apply for the use of the Trade Mark, conform the Rules on Communications & Claims.

    Request information or apply now

    How you benefit

    The purpose of the standard is to provide all actors along the palm oil value chain with a framework for the promotion, use and production of palm oil with emphasis on:

    • Preventing pollution, optimizing use of natural resources and mitigating the impacts of global warming

    • Respecting human rights, conducting operations with good governance, upholding labour principles (UNDHR)

    • Providing opportunities for indigenous and local communities to prosper together

    • Assisting organizations in fulfilment of national legal compliance obligations

    • Assisting organisations in fulfilment of the government of Malaysia’s policy on the oil palm industry

    • Assisting organisations to be outcome-focused

    • Achieving financial and operational benefits that can result from implementing sustainable practices

    • Communicating sustainable practices to stakeholders

    • Continual improvement on implementation based on practicalities and capabilities

    • Achieving greater sustainability acceptance and recognition in global markets for Malaysian palm oil.

    Agriculture farming

    How can we help you?

    Are you looking for a certain service, do you have any questions or do you want to apply for the certification program? Let us know. We’re glad to be of help.