Control Union Medical Cannabis Standard
Control Union Medical Cannabis Standard GAP (CUMCS-GAP) is globally the leading certification standard for medical cannabis certification. The goal of the standard is to ensure the best quality and consistency in the production of the product.
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About the Control Union Medical Cannabis Standard
Medical cannabis
A growing number of countries have implemented legal frameworks for the cultivation and use of medical cannabis. In December 2020, the UN recognized the medical value of cannabis. As a consequence, the market requires strict adherence to quality systems and cultivation procedures like compliance with guidelines such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) Good Agricultural & Collection Practices (GACP). Therefore, independent verification for compliance by third parties is becoming common practice in the industry.
CUMCS-GAP has been benchmarked against the Israeli Medical Cannabis Standard (IMC-GAP) towards full equivalency. Therefore, CUMCS-GAP is a recognized and accepted program by the Israeli Medical Cannabis Agency (IMCA) – Ministry of Health, for all imports of medical cannabis into Israel.
The CUMCS-GAP standard is based on:
The CUMCS-GAP standard serves as a practical manual for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) of medical cannabis anywhere in the world and allows for objective auditing by qualified auditors.
The scope of CUMCS-GAP
The scope of CUMCS-GAP covers medical Cannabis propagation, cultivation and post-harvest processes and is fully compliant with both the WHO and EMA GACP guidelines. Certified organizations will receive both CUMCS-GAP certificate and GACP compliance certificate for both the WHO as well as EMA GACP guidelines. At the end of 2020, medical cannabis farms in the following countries have been certified: Lesotho, Uganda, South Africa, North Macedonia, Portugal, Spain, Canada, and Colombia. Soon also farms in Uruguay, Australia and other European countries will be certified.
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How you benefit
CUMCS-GAP ensures:
- A globally recognized quality-system implemented
- Efficient process and consistent production
- Transparency of process
- Clear responsibility guidelines
- Customer satisfaction
- Better communication and controls
- More efficient validation and documentation of techniques, methods and procedures
- Valid basis for taking decisions
- Improves documentation and traceability
- Includes strict Risk Assessments (as per ICH Q9)
- Improved reputation and brand loyalty
- Recognised certification by many retailers, food service companies and manufacturers around the world
CUMCS-G.A.P. The global standard that sets the standard for medical cannabis Cultivation.

How can I help you?
Do you have any questions about the Medical Cannabis Standard or do you want to have more information about the standard? Let me know. My name is Reut Rom bar Semech and I’m glad to help.